Veterans should be considered as a special category because they've volunteered to play a special part to serve and protect. In so doing they've been subjected to rigorous training, a disciplined regiment, and experimental treatments often designed to create the ideal soldier. The role they play while in service has been carefully considered, planned and invested in heavily. The role they play when they leave their respective military branch has been given much less consideration...

Veterans should be considered as a special category

because they’ve volunteered to play a special part to serve and protect. In so doing they’ve been subjected to rigorous training, a disciplined regiment, and experimental treatments often designed to create the ideal soldier. The role they play while in service has been carefully considered, planned and invested in heavily. The role they play when they leave their respective military branch has been given much less consideration. This has lead to the highest suicide rates of any profession and a wide range of mental and physical disorders largely unseen in any other field.

This is a failure of modern society that needs to be addressed and embraced by the civilian population of every country.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Heavy Metal Toxicity, and Schizophrenia are treated as common side effects of Military service. But these are treatable conditions that just need services to be developed to target the specific needs of our Veterans.

One of the Cornerstone Projects of the Life Force Association

is to develop programs  that are specifically developed to address each Veteran’s unique needs. If this project is something you have a desire or unique interest in helping to resolve then you can click on the link below to team up with others working towards the same goal.