• Parenting

    Your parenting style can affect everything from your child's self-esteem and physical health to how they relate to others. It's important to ensure your parenting style is supporting healthy growth and development because the way you interact with your child and how you discipline them will influence them for the rest of their life. Researchers have identified four main types of parenting styles: Authoritarian Authoritative Permissive Uninvolved Each style takes a different approach to raising children, offers different pros and cons...

    Human development is influenced by, but not entirely determined by, our parents and our genes. Children may have very different personalities, and different strengths and weaknesses, than the generation that preceded them. Caregivers should pay attention to their children's distinct traits and the pace of their development, and not assume that the approach to parenting that worked for their mothers and fathers will be equally successful in their own families. Parents, and the home environments they create, can also have an important influence on a child's development; in fact, a child's home environment can affect the ways that certain genetic traits express themselves, or if they will at all. Caregivers...

    Holistic options and guidance for newly pregnant members of the Life Force Association, or anyone looking for sources they can trust.
  • Mental Health

    MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS Even the White House acknowledges the Mental Health Breakdown taking place in the United States. They don't acknowledge that they're actions are a direct cause of the current situation, but it's a problem that even they are looking to at least pretend to try and fix. "We need a whole-of-society effort to address these concerns: to expand prevention programs and actions that improve mental health at every age and across settings; and to enhance programs that support recovery, especially for populations at increased risk during vulnerable transition periods."
  • Pharmaceutical

    Over the past 30 years Western Medicine has taken over the world's stage for health care, becoming the standard by which we make decisions for treatment. Organizations like the World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control have become the authority that provides the guidance that direct Government regulations, oversight, and reimbursement from healthcare providers. These Non-Government Organizations and Western Medicine in general have failed to provide solutions that revitalize human health and well being. Sadly, it's not because solutions don't exist or haven't been proven in the clinical evidence and research conducted using the traditional standards of Western Medicine. It would appear that the standards of care and even the goals of Western Medicine have nothing to do with the well being of the individual patient. Western Medicine treats disease rather than people...
  • Western Medicine

    We want to start this section out with a warning due to the recent failures of the "evidence based medicine" practiced during the COVID-19 Pandemic. It's essential that YOU as the patient understand how to read a clinical trial and ask your doctor questions to test his/her knowledge about any product prescribed to you. Your medical doctor is not all knowing and can make mistakes about your health. These are mistakes that you cannot afford to allow. The majority of people in the United States and many parts of the world receive most of their health care from doctors (MDs or DOs), nurses, physician’s assistants (PAs) and other medical providers who practice in in a medical setting like a hospital, medical clinic, or doctor’s office.
  • Nutrition

    Nutrition is the fundamental building blocks of you. Understanding how your body craves nutrients rather than calories is the beginning of optimizing your health. Choosing the right food combinations is as important as choosing the right food, and realizing that something that might be good for you, might not be good for someone else can change the way you look at your diet. Our nutritional needs are as unique as we are, and there are many factors that contribute to the differences in our unique needs. LIFE STYLE Not everyone works out five days a week, walks to work, or sits at a computer for eight hours a day. Everyone has different activity levels and this causes your amazing adaptable body to create and use nutrients in different ways.
  • Fitness

    How Fit Are You? Take This Fitness Test What kind of shape are you really in? How much have you improved? Use these simple tests to find out. Whether you’re an exercise newbie or seasoned pro, these at home fitness tests can help you take your fitness level to new, unimagined heights. Be it strength, endurance, flexibility or balance, you need them all to do any workout or sporting pursuit well. Heck, you even need them to live an energetic, full, and pain-free life. Fitness tests give you something tangible and concrete to look at and work with, which is more powerful than a general, vague notion of fitness in your mind. Measuring your cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, balance and muscular strength will clue you into how fit you are, identify your strengths and weakness more clearly, and create a baseline on which you can build. This fitness blueprint allows you to set better, more specific goals and formulate a plan to improve your overall fitness, address any weaknesses, and develop your unique strengths. This can also help you to make specific improvements such as perfecting your running form, strengthening your tennis serve, or being able to perform yoga moves hitherto seemingly impossible.