• Rabies Vaccine

    MANUFACTURER: Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics

    PROPER NAME:​​  Rabies Vaccine

    VACCINE INGREDIENTS (not in order of quantity; see package insert for quantities): Chicken protein,​​ polygeline (processed bovine gelatin),​​ human serum albumin, potassium glutamate, sodium EDTA,​​ ovalbumin, neomycin, chlortetracycline, amphotericin B.

    Substances used to create and grow the vaccine, which may or may not appear in the final product: Chicken fibroblasts, synthetic cell culture medium (with added human albumin), polygeline (processed bovine gelatin), antibiotics, B-propiolactone, sucrose density-gradient, buffered polygeline, potassium glutamate.

    TRADE NAME:​​ RabAvert

    Package Insert – RabAvert