• Rotavirus Vaccine

    MANUFACTURER: GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals

    PROPER NAME:​​ Rotavirus Vaccine, Live, Oral

    VACCINE INGREDIENTS (not in order of quantity; see package insert for quantities): Dextran,​​ Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium​​ (sodium chloride,​​ potassium chloride, magnesium sulfate, ferric (III) nitrate, sodium phosphate, sodium pyruvate, D-glucose, concentrated vitamin solution, L-cystine, L-tyrosine, amino acids, L-glutamine, calcium chloride, sodium hydrogenocarbonate, and phenol red), sorbitol, sucrose, calcium carbonate, sterile water, xanthan [Porcine circovirus type 1 (PCV-1) is present in Rotarix. PCV-1 is not known to cause disease in humans.]

    Substances used to create and grow the vaccine, which may or may not appear in the final product: Vero cells, porcine-derived materials, amino acids, dextran, Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium (sodium chloride, potassium chloride, magnesium sulfate, ferric (III) nitrate, sodium phosphate, sodium pyruvate, D-glucose, concentrated vitamin solution, L-cystine, L-tyrosine, amino acids solution, L-glutamine, calcium chloride,​​ sodium hydrogenocarbonate, phenol red), sorbitol, sucrose.

    TRADE NAME:​​ Rotarix

    Package Insert – Rotarix