• Hep A Vaccine (hepatitis A)

    MANUFACTURER: GlaxoSmithKline ​Biologicals.

    PROPER NAME:​​ Hepatitis A Vaccine, Inactivated

    VACCINE INGREDIENTS (not in order of quantity; see package insert for quantities): MRC-5 cellular proteins,​​ formalin,​​ aluminum hydroxide,​​ amino​​ acid​​ supplement,​​ phosphate-buffered​​ saline​​ solution,​​ polysorbate 20,​​ neomycin​​ sulfate,​​ aminoglycoside​​ antibiotic.

    Substances used to create and grow the vaccine, which may or may not appear in the final product: MRC-5 human diploid cells

    TRADE NAME:​​ Havrix

    Package Insert – Havrix

  • Hep A/Hep B Vaccine (hepatitis A & hepatitis B)

    MANUFACTURER: GlaxoSmithKline ​​ Biologicals

    PROPER NAME:​​ Hepatitis A Inactivated & Hepatitis B (Recombinant) Vaccine

    VACCINE INGREDIENTS (not in order of quantity; see package insert for quantities): MRC-5 human diploid cells, formalin,​​ aluminum phosphate,​​ aluminum hydroxide, amino acids, sodium chloride, phosphate buffer,​​ polysorbate 20,​​ neomycin sulfate, yeast protein, water.

    Substances used to create and grow the vaccine, which may or may not appear in the final product: Genetically engineered yeast protein, MRC-5 human diploid cells, aluminum salts

    TRADE NAME: ​​Twinrix

    Package Insert – Twinrix