It’s hard to recall how we got to a point where a woman’s right to choose evolved into full term abortions and medical ethics discussions about Post Birth Abortions. If that term is new to you, it’s a practice made famous throughout history by tyrannical monarchs trying to control the enslaved population of their enemy. It’s usually referred to as infanticide.


Contrary to what most think, ROE VS. WADE is not the silver bullet that empowers women to make decisions about their body. Firstly, the original decision was based on a fraudulent claim that the woman seeking to have an abortion at the time was “gang raped” by a group of black men. The debate was whether or not the “father” had a say about the decision to have or not to have an abortion. Sensationalized legal proceedings are something one should always examine thoroughly before taking a stance on the issue being presented. Based on the case presented in the court of public opinion, who would possibly say that the woman didn’t have the right to get an abortion under the circumstances described.

40 plus years later we can review the event and get a more honest perspective with accurate details about the situation. Firstly, the woman was not “gang raped”. She had a consensual relationship with one man. She was prodded by the legal team to create the dramatic storyline to garner public support for her cause.

Secondly, when ROE VS. WADE was entered into Law it acknowledged that there were three lives that needed to be considered for the Supreme Court to make a decision on abortion. The life of the Mother, the life of the Father, and the life of the Unborn Fetus. This lead to the legalization of abortion up to 12 weeks and a legal record that life begins in the womb. A fact often overlooked when ROE VS. WADE is discussed.

Thirdly, the Mother who was named in ROE VS. WADE as the responsible party for filing the complaint decided not to have an abortion after all the court proceedings, pomp and circumstance resolved. The case set a standard that pit Men against Women allegedly empowering Women and castrating men. The case spawned the war cry “My body. My choice.” which lead to the man hating, anti-feminine version that the Feminist movement has become. The case essentially removed any rights a man may have had to have a say about whether or not a woman carrying his unborn child could or could not have an abortion.

Today this iconic decision by the Supreme Court is still used to wage a political battle between Liberals and Conservatives, creating the debate about being Pro-Life or Pro-Choice.

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