
Arnica is one of the most trusted remedies for rheumatism, sore muscles, bruises, strains or any case of pain and inflammation.


What is Arnica and what is it good for?

Arnica is one of the most trusted remedies for rheumatism, sore muscles, bruises, strains or any case of pain and inflammation.

Botanical name: Arnica montana

Arnica comes from the perennial Arnica montana, a yellow-orangish flower that grows in the mountains of Europe and Siberia. It’s sometimes called the “mountain daisy,” because its color and petals look like the familiar flower. Creams and ointments made from the flower head can be used to address the following ailments:

  • Muscle soreness and aches
  • Bruising
  • Joint pain and swelling
  • Inflammation

Arnica is one of the most trusted remedies for bruises and sprains. Not to be taken internally, except in homoeopathic preparations, it is often used topically as a cream or salve. It is used to relieve the pain of rheumatism, sore muscles, bruises, strains or any case of pain and inflammation, but avoid using it on broken skin.


Preparation: Use cream or salve topically, avoid broken skin. Use homoeopathic remedies as directed.

Reference: David Hoffman (2003), Medical Herbalism, pp.529-30, Happy Herb.

Precautions: Do not use internally, except as homoeopathic. Avoid broken skin. Can cause allergic dermatitis in people with allergies to the Daisy family (Compositae).

Doctors don’t recommend using arnica on broken skin or for extended periods of time, because it can cause irritation. Additionally, pregnant or breastfeeding women should consult with a doctor before using arnica.

Some people can have allergic reactions to arnica or show hypersensitivity. If this occurs, you should stop using arnica. Individuals who are allergic or hypersensitive to any plants in the Asteraceae family should avoid using arnica. Other members of this family include:

  • Dahlias
  • Daisies
  • Dandelions
  • Marigolds
  • Sunflowers


Homemade Arnica Salve Recipe

Coconut Oil Arnica Salve Recipe

How to Make Arnica Ointment

Clinical Data:

Arnica montana L. – a plant of healing: review


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